Welcome to the CIA - the Center for Intelligent Aliens. Browse through our collection of exclusive, original paintings and works of art, or call upon us to bring your custom painting projects to realization via the "contact" tab.

Hand-Painted License Plates (one-of-a-kind)
Hand-Painted License Plates (one-of-a-kind)
Hand-Painted License Plates (one-of-a-kind)
Hand-Painted License Plates (one-of-a-kind)

Hand-Painted License Plates (one-of-a-kind)

Regular price $7,321,845.99 $39.95 Sale

One-of-a-kind, hand painted by our artists at our Dementia Lane facility. We present......

"3 Moons Over Giza"  and  "SB Birds- I'm Burnin' for You" (no affiliation to the vintage hit single by BOC, OK?)

These dynamic and surreal images are hand-painted on nearly indestructible 1/16" (*or close) polished aluminum (recycled vintage Wissahickon Firehouse#1 vehicle tags from late '80s-1991).

THESE ARE / SHALL REMAIN NON-DUPLICATED PIECES and are an enormous value compared to purchasing the original Mona Lisa! (They make wonderful wall hangings too! $39.95 each.

 THIS ITEM IS NOW "BY-REQUEST" ONLY with a $20 Deposit (non-refundable) with a New, lower price of $25.00!