An innovative approach to the classic Northern European story/fable. Popularized by the brothers Grimm and now depicted by the lack of brother Vandernutz...our illustration of Hansel and Gretel flipped to an adverb usage... Hansel Approaches Greta. "It's the changing of seasons as the forest prepares for winter. There has been many odd visitors to the hollow. There has even been sightings of the legendary humanoid. A glimpse of the playful hare sets Hansel's mind at ease as he pleasantly wanders into the golden cover of the autumn canopy.......awright!...STOP! Meanwhile back at the ranch...
Another minor penalty...Slashing/ 2 minutes....Now Only $125
16 x 20 painting on stretched fabric. Signed by the entity who did this. No others (thank the heavens) LOL.
This Item is New, Original and One-of-a-Kind and Fun!